• ISSR Analysis of Hybrid Descendants of Roses

    Che Dai-di;Su Cheng-yuan;Zhang Jin-zhu;Chen Xue;Ma Xue;Wang Na;Li Wen-tian;

    Four different rose hybrid populations were analyzed by ISSR technique with nine polymorphic primers. All of the primers produced 64 bands, of which 59 were polymorphic. The average of polymorphic bands was 6.6 for each primer. The percentage of polymorphism ranged from 57.1% to 100%, with an average of 92.3%. An UPGMA dendrogram showed five groups. The primer numbered with PI9 and PI11 had relatively high resolution in identifying the F 1 offspring in this research.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 1-4页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 288K]
    [下载次数:46 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] |[阅读次数:51 ]
  • Physiological and Biochemical Changes of IrlVHA-c gene Transgenic Tobacco Seedlings and Self-crossed Progeny Under NaHCO_3 Stress

    Li Shan-shan;Yang Tao;Bi Xiao-lu;Fu Guo-hua;Wang Jin-gang;

    In order to study the alkali resistivity of VHA-c in Iris lacteal. (IrlVHA-c), the transgenic tobacco seedlings harboring IrlVHA-c gene from Iris lactea (T0), the self-crossed progeny (T1), and the non-transgenic lines of tobacco seedlings were grown in Hoagland nutrient solutions supplemented with 0, 100, 200, 300, 400 mmol·L-1 NaHCO3 . The MDA content, CAT, POD and SOD activity, electrical conductivity, chlorophyll content, soluble sugar content, proline content and polyphenol oxidase activity of the seedlings were determined. The results showed that the transgenic lines of tobacco maintained a high activity up to 200 mmol·L-1 NaHCO3 , and activity was slightly lower at 300 mmol·L-1 NaHCO3 . When the concentration of NaHCO3 was as high as 400 mmol·L-1 the seedlings were badly hurt. In addition, the activity of T0 and T1 transgentic tobacoo was maintained more or less. While the non-transgenic lines of tobacco could maintain viably up to 100 mmol·L-1 NaHCO3 , and they could not survive at 400 mmol·L-1 NaHCO3 . The conclusion was drawn that the alkali resistance of the tobacoo transformed IrlVHA-c was noticeably improved.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 5-13页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 125K]
    [下载次数:35 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] |[阅读次数:70 ]
  • Effects of Low-temperature and Herbicide on Membrane Stability, Antioxidant Capacity, and Product of Metabolism in Barley Seedlings

    Kong Zhi-you;Qin Peng;Liu Ye-ju;Chen Jia;Wang Shuo;

    In order to investigate the physiological injury of barley caused by the low temperature after herbicides, tillering barley seedlings planted in plastic cups were pretreated in illumination incubator at 15℃ and 12 h-light per day for 7 days, and then subjected to herbicide treatment, prometryn (with the concentrations of 0, 0.15%, 0.30%, and 0.45%) or isoproturon (with the concentrations of 0, 0.30%, 0.60%, and 0.90%), and the SOD activity, the CAT activity, the POD activity, the MDA content, proline content, soluble protein content, electrical conductivity, and the rate of O2-were determined and analyzed. The results showed that the low-temperature was the most important, and the treatment-time of low-temperature was another significant influencing factor on the physiological and biochemical indices of barley seedlings. However, all of the physiological and biochemical indices determined were not affected by the kinds of herbicides and herbicide concentrations, and the SOD was stable and should play the more prominent role on extracting of free radicals according to the stepwise regression and correlation. The herbicide concentrations should be increased in the future research for truly reflecting the effects of the herbicide concentration on the physiological and biochemical indices of barley seedlings.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 14-20页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 113K]
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  • Genetic Dissimilarity of Clonal Populations of Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Habitats in Southwestern Heilongjiang Province of China

    Hong Rui-min;

    Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel is the characteristic of the Eastern Asia, and is a perennial herbaceous rhizome species on L. chinensis steppe of the Northern China, the Eastern Mongolia, and area of Outer-Baikal of Russia. It has both vegetative and sexual reproductions, and results in complexity of the population structure. Thus, it is difficult to identify distinct clones. Author used the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique to identify the clonal structure of heterogeneous and homogeneous habitats in two populations of Leymus chinensis, analyzed 260 ramets samples using 12 primers and 60 polymorphic markers (reproducible RAPD bands). The results proved clonal diversity described using PD, D, and E was higher in the HCS habitat than that in the HPS habitat. The PD, D, and E in the HCS of Songzhan population were 0.21, 0.90, and 0.91, respectively, whereas the PD, D, and E in the HPS of Songzhan population were only 0.09, 0.68, and 0.77, respectively; the PD, D, and E in the HCS of Yongle population were 0.19, 0.92 mad 0.90, respectively, correspondingly, these measures in the HPS of Yongle population were only 0.09, 0.63, and 0.79, respectively. The results also indicated that clonal population of L. chinensis in HPS habitat had lower genetic dissimilarity index than that in the HCS habitat.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 21-29页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 116K]
    [下载次数:22 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] |[阅读次数:47 ]
  • Molecular Typing of Aeromonas hydrophila Isolated from Common Carp in Northeast China

    Li Shao-wu;Wang Di;Liu Hong-bai;Lu Tong-yan;

    A total of 59 isolates of Aeromonas hydrophila were collected from common carp suffering from freshwater fish hemorrhage disease in 13 fishing grounds in the northeast China, and their phenotypic and genetic characteristics were investigated. All of the isolates were identified as A. hydrophila by traditional biochemical method and yielded a 686-bp DNA fragment of the 16S rDNA gene in the PCR experiments. Collected strains were also evaluated for their susceptibility to 17 different antibiotics. The isolates showed an even trend of the resistance and sensitivity to drugs, highly sensitive to antibiotics, such as Levofloxacin, PolymyxinB, Ofloxacin and resistant to antibiotics, such as Bristopen, Lincomycin, Ampicillin, Teicoplanin. Evaluation of genetic diversity was performed on all isolates by molecular typing with enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC-PCR) method. The results showed that three different types, i.e. type Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and type Ⅲ, were found in 59 isolates and type III accounted for a large proportion of 54.84%. There was no dominant difference between the tendency of the isolates of Heilongjiang Province and Jilin Province in these three types, which showed Ⅲ>Ⅰ>Ⅱ, while the isolates of Liaoning Province showed Ⅲ>Ⅱ>Ⅰ. The percentage of different types in different provinces varied in each other; however, they didn't show any obvious regional or cluster-specific branches. In conclusion, the ability to distinguish Aeromonas hydrophila strains from diseased common carp with ERIC-PCR would be useful for epidemiological investigation and population genetic analysis of this pathogen in China.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 30-36页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 347K]
    [下载次数:24 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] |[阅读次数:49 ]
  • Isolation, Purification and Cryopreservation of Cells from Neonatal Bovine Testis

    Zheng Peng;Hu Peng-fei;Tian Ya-guang;Huang He;Zhang Gui-xue;

    The development and application of spermatogonial stem cell technology have an important significance in animal cloning, preservation of endangered species and spermatogenesis research. In this study, the seminiferous epithlium cells were isolated and purified, the cells were cryopreserved after identification, and the effects of different purification and cyopreservation methods on bovine testicular cells were studied. The results showed that there were spermatogonial stem cells and sertoli cells in the neonatal bovine seminiferous tubules, differential adherent selection methods could effectively separate these two cell types. Spermatogonial stem cells were positive after AKP, C-kit, and OCT-4 identification; sertoli cells were positive after oil red O and vimentin identification. Frozen stock solution supplemented with 10% DMSO had the best effect in spermatogonial stem cell cryopreservation, while frozen stock solution supplemented with 10% of ethylene glycol and 0.1 mmol·L-1 trehalose had the best effect in sertoli cells cryopreservation.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 37-42页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 184K]
    [下载次数:50 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] |[阅读次数:62 ]
  • Expression of a Lysine-rich Gene in Bacillus subtilis 168

    Li Xue-lin;Liu Xiao-fei;Gao Xue-jun;Qiao Bin;Pan Hong-bao;Ao Jin-xia;

    Lysine-rich protein gene (lys) was cloned from winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC), and cloned into prokaryotic expression vector pHT43, the recombinant plasmid pHT43/lys were constructed and then transferred into Bacillus subtilis168, upon IPTG induction, the recombinant protein was expressed, and the content of lysine was detected by HPLC. The result showed that lysine content increased by 9.85%. It was suggested that introducing lys gene into Bacillus subtilis 168 was an effective way to improve its nutrition quality.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 43-48页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 227K]
    [下载次数:58 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] |[阅读次数:77 ]
  • Effects of Sub-chronic Aluminum Exposure on Renal Pathologic Structure in Rats

    Xia Shi-liang;Li Miao;Shao Bing;Bai Chong-sheng;Zhang Ji-hong;Li Yan-fei;

    A total of 40 Wistar rats, weighing 130-140 g, were allocated randomly into four groups. They were orally administrated with 0 (control group, GC), 64.18 (low-dose group, GL), 128.36 (middle-dose group, GM), and 256.72 (high-dose group, GH) mg aluminum chloride (AlCl3) per kilogram body weight in drinking water for 120 days. Kidney coefficient and aluminum (Al) concentrations in blood and kidney were determined, and renal autopsy and histological changes were observed. The results showed that kidney coefficient in all Al-treated groups were obviously lower than that in GC (P<0.01) and there was a dose-effect relationship. The kidneys were solid, lusterless and pale brown with white necrosis point on surface. Under electron microscope, renal cortex became thin, the renal tubule was narrowed and the epithelium dissolved; the renal glomerulus became atrophied and the glomerular became vasodilator. The Al concentrations in blood and kidney were higher in all Al-treated rats than those in GC (P<0.01), and there was a dose-effect relationship. The results indicated that sub-chronic Al exposure could lead to Al accumulation in kidney, restrain the development of kidney and cause the pathologic damage in rats.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 49-52页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 213K]
    [下载次数:6 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] |[阅读次数:50 ]
  • Drying Characteristics of Microwave-assisted Foam Drying of Corn Soaking Water

    Li Qiang;Sun Yu;Xu Xiang-wen;Zhang Qin-qin;Zheng Xian-zhe;

    To improve the industrial utilization of corn soaking water, the yeast protein powder was produced by microwave-assisted foam drying. Firstly, preparation experiments were carried out, which included the foaming characteristic experiments of fermentation broth and that about the effects of carbon and nitrogen ratio on solid content in the fermentation broth. Secondly, the drying characteristics experiment of corn soaking water was studied, which selected the microwave power, material amount and thickness as the influencing factors for the single experiment. The results showed that the final moisture content (d.b.) and drying rate were significantly affected by those factors.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 53-59页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 157K]
    [下载次数:27 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:2 ] |[阅读次数:80 ]
  • Establishment and Analysis on Material Flow Model in Argo-animal Husbandry Ecosystem

    Yin Hai-dong;Liu Zhen-zhong;Wu Qiu-feng;

    This paper analyzed the material flow situation in argo-animal husbandry ecosystem by compartment model. This model was an important mean for investigating the whole structural characteristics in ecosystem. Based on this analysis, characteristics of material cycle and integrity in the system were mastered. As an example of natural conditions in Yonghe Village, Shuangcheng Township, Shuangcheng Municipal, Heilongjang Province, the system of linear differential equations in system was established by extracting each compartment and investigating material flow and stability of this model was proved by Lyapunov linear theory. The result showed that this system could not be interfered by initial value in the state of present, input and output.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 60-64页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 70K]
    [下载次数:25 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] |[阅读次数:72 ]
  • Research on DSP-Based Automatic Excitation Regulator in Small Rural Hydropower Station

    Gu Xiang-yu;Zhao Yu-lin;Fu Yan;Zhang Yu-juan;Sun Shuai;

    Excitation regulator has played an important role to ensure that generator run safely and stably. However, in some remote areas, the rural small generator excitation control system is very backward, and it has hindered the development of Chinese agriculture and the pace of new countryside construction. This paper introduced a kind of structure and basic principle of DSP-based automatic excitation regulator, which was applied to rural small generator. We chose TMS320LF2407A chip as the core of regulator control system; the regulator adjusted PWM based on PID control strategy to control the exciting current. The theoretical analysis showed that the regulator had the characteristics of simplicity and reliability, well dynamic and static characteristics, and it could also adjust its own state quickly. The result was applicable to small rural hydropower station.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 65-69页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 67K]
    [下载次数:51 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:3 ] |[阅读次数:59 ]
  • Ecuador Export Potential Agricultural Products to China

    Alvarez Alex;Wang Du-chun;Wang Pan-pan;

    This paper presented a conceptual framework to country competitiveness using the Index of Competitiveness (IVCR), revealed for Ecuador to determine the most competitive and potential products exported to China; also measured the export complementarities through other indicators and by comparison with similar products exported by competing countries. This study used the 6-digit Harmonized System (HS) and the 10-digit NANDINA tariff codes for more specific items. Thereby we can identify trends that allow the Ecuadorian authorities analyze the state of bilateral agreements and develop action strategies, moreover help exporters identify potential market niches, considering that China is currently one of the developing countries with higher growth and expanding economy. The results showed that the most competitive agricultural products consisted on fish flour, bovine skins, mollusks, fish wastes and cocoa grains. The founded potential products were broad beans, fruits, fish viscera, algae, alpaca hair or hair wastes. Nevertheless these were none adding value commodities we need to find some mechanisms to deepen the exportable offer of value-added goods.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 70-75页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 75K]
    [下载次数:50 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] |[阅读次数:55 ]
  • SWOT Analysis and Development Strategies of Maize Industry in Heilongjiang Province

    Gu Wan-rong;Jin Yi;Meng Yao;Wang Jian-guo;Zhao Xian-long;Li Jing;Wei Shi;

    With the development of China's market economy, the international grain supply situation is increasingly tense, and the grain has been regarded as an important international strategic resource in the international market. Due to the reduction of international grain output and expected inflation, the gap between maize supply shortage and increasing demand is apparent in China, so that China is described as a worrying importer country. By using SWOT analysis belonging to the field of enterprise strategic management, this paper analyzed the current maize industry development in Heilongjiang Province as an entry point, the strength, weakness and opportunity and threat were put forward. Thereby, the developing principles and strategies were proposed to stimulate the maize industry development in Heilongjiang Province, which would lay a good foundation of 50 billion kilograms grain production capacity by 2015 in China, as well as the economic development and local farmers' income increase.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 76-84页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 58K]
    [下载次数:114 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:6 ] |[阅读次数:77 ]
  • Research Progress on Water Use Efficiency and Drought Resistance of Turfgrass

    Li Xin;Yan Qing-wei;Zhang Lu;Liu Hui-min;Zheng Hai-xia;Bao Wen-long;Chen Ya-jun;

    Improving turfgrass drought resistance and save-water features are very important to solve water deficiency in turfgrass production and management. This research did some surveys of systematic literature review about turfgrass drought tolerance morphological characteristics, physiological characteristics and water use efficiency, and provided the detailed information for enhancing turfgrass drought resistant and water use efficiency in the future.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 85-90页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 34K]
    [下载次数:103 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] |[阅读次数:58 ]
  • Advanced Progress on Adaptive Stress Response of Oenococcus oeni

    Zhao Wen-ying;Kang Zhen-kui;

    Oenoccoccus oeni is an alcohol-tolerant, acidophilic lactic acid bacterium with its ability to perform malolactic fermentation in wine, which is of fundamental importance in oenology. As a representative of the wine bacterium with remarkable adaptability to the very harsh physicochemical conditions of wine, many studies were carried out for its applied interest and focused mainly on its stress response mechanisms of O. oeni. on both physiological and molecular levels. In this review, three main stress response mechanisms in O. oeni during culturing process were addressed. Of them, various solute transporters and secondary metabolic energy-generating systems were utilized to control the intracellular environment and the energetic status of O. oeni. The changes in cell membrane fatty acid composition profiles and synthesis of stress proteins, especially small heat shock proteins were required for active cell response to maintain membrane integrity and function under stress conditions. The study on stress response of O. oeni played an important role on culture bacteria selection, making inoculation culture and construction of other engineering bacteria.

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 91-96页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 136K]
    [下载次数:23 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:1 ] |[阅读次数:39 ]
  • Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition) Instruction to Authors

    <正>Aims and Scope Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition) is a comprehensive academic journal on agricultural sciences sponsored by Northeast Agricultural University and distributed worldwide. It is a peer reviewed journal published quarterly and mainly publishes review and research articles that reflect the latest achievements on crop science, horticulture, plant protection, resource and environment, animal science, veterinary

    2013年01期 v.20;No.50 97页 [查看摘要][在线阅读][下载 9K]
    [下载次数:11 ] |[网刊下载次数:0 ] |[引用频次:0 ] |[阅读次数:50 ]
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